David Sinclair’s Anti-Aging Supplement Stack (2024)

On the internet, misinformation is abundant regarding supplements marketed as anti-aging and longevity aids. To gain greater insight, we turn our focus toward Dr. David Sinclair – a prominent scholar in aging research as well as a Professor at Harvard Medical School.

Dr. Sinclair, author of the groundbreaking tome “Lifespan: Why We Age and Why We Don’t Have To,” has meticulously created an anti-aging supplement regimen that incorporates cutting-edge ingredients drawn from longevity research. If you wish to explore his supplement stack and discover how it could bring about a life full of longevity and vitality, we invite you to peruse this article.

Note that Dr. Sinclair has chosen not to disclose which supplements he endorses; nonetheless, we strive to steer you towards the most reputable and bio-available brands on the market such as Renue by Science, Thorne Pure Encapsulations & DoubleWood; while these brands come highly recommended, we cannot say for sure whether they reflect his preferences; nonetheless they have earned endorsement from prominent figures in health and longevity such as Dr. Andrew Huberman Tim Ferriss and Rhonda Patrick among many others.

David Sinclair’s Complete Supplement List



Resveratrol, a polyphenolic compound from the esteemed stilbene family, can be found in many sources, from red grape skins to blueberry and bilberry fruit and even peanuts. Our scientific exploration into longevity has unearthed compelling evidence regarding this amazing compound’s remarkable benefits.

At its core, resveratrol boasts an irreplaceable asset – its anti-inflammatory prowess. This characteristic carries great significance when considering how to live longer because inflammation plays such a central role in aging – from its impactful grip on arthritis to atherosclerosis and type II diabetes progression – among many other ailments caused by time. Resveratrol’s anti-inflammatory qualities provide tantalizing glimpses into ways of defying age.

Studies show Resveratrol can also act as an antioxidant and may help to fight against oxidative stress. It was shown in a study conducted in 2022 that resveratrol is a potential therapeutic natural polyphenol for neurodegenerative diseases associated with mitochondrial dysfunction. Resveratrol’s anti-aging effects were confirmed by a survey of older people who took 100mg of resveratrol per day for 30 days. It was shown that this dosage significantly improved muscle but also cognitive functions. Resveratrol benefits the muscles and brain and has also been shown to improve and prevent different types of cardiovascular diseases. This enables it to qualify to be used as an anti-aging supplement.

Due to his work at Harvard, Sinclair is able to use extra Resveratrol that is left over from his lab. He mixes 1 gram of Resveratrol into his morning yogurt because you increase the bioavailability by taking it with a fat source. You can take Resveratrol in powder form via Renue by Science (use code ‘brainflow’ for 15% off), which is the same brand Dr. Andrew Huberman takes. By using powder you can mix it with a fat source in the morning like David does.

RELATED READING: Dr. David Sinclair’s Diet & Exercise Protocol

Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN)

NMN is a precursor to NAD, which plays an essential role in vital processes including energy metabolism, DNA repair, gene expression, and responding to stressors. NMN can help increase cellular NAD+ levels, which have been shown to improve mitochondrial function and suppress age-related diseases such as atherosclerosis. It was shown to significantly improve age-related decline in mice and extend their lives by 10%. This fantastic result is because NMN turns on the same enzyme that is activated when fasting – SIRT1. Adequate levels of NMN must be available for this vital cellular chemistry to function effectively.

Over time, natural decreases of NMN in the body lead to reduced NAD levels as a result. This decline is associated with aging and may contribute to age-related health problems. Not surprisingly, studies have found lower levels of both NMN and NAD in individuals suffering from various age-related conditions, including diabetes and liver diseases. Furthermore, test tube and animal model research suggests NMN may influence other aspects of health including cardiovascular and brain health.

Fasting has been shown to have a lot of health benefits and may promote longevity. However, fasting is not suitable for everyone, so there was a search for an alternative anti-aging supplement that could offer the same results as fasting – enter NMN. NMN has been found to activate the enzyme SIRT1 and increase NAD+ levels, the exact mechanism started when fasting.

Dr. Sinclair supplements with 1 gram of NMN in the mornings. You can get it in powder form from Renue By Science (use code ‘brainflow’ for 15% off), who have been third-party vetted for purity and have the highest quality NMN that we could find. Renue by Science also makes NMN in fast-dissolve tablet form.

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David Sinclair recently incorporated spermidine as part of his supplement regime to potentially extend both health span and lifespan. According to his book, Sinclair takes 1 mg of spermidine daily; his decision was informed by its known effects and potential benefits in longevity science; specifically its ability to activate autophagy–an essential cellular process required to maintain efficiency and health.

Spermidine may provide numerous health advantages related to aging. These benefits may help reduce age-related diseases and exert an anti-aging effect, thanks to autophagy – which reduces oxidative stress, improves metabolism, eliminates waste products, decreases inflammation, removes damaged cells, etc. Additionally, studies of spermidine have shown that spermidine enhances immunity against cancer, promotes cardiovascular healthcounters brain inflammation and anxiety, and slows liver aging.

Spermidine can be found naturally in food sources like wheat, broccoli, mushrooms, and chicken; however, supplementation is the preferred means to ensure adequate intake. When choosing supplements they must meet stringent purity, efficacy, and scientific validation standards as this area is still actively under research.


Metformin is a drug that has been used for about 60 years to treat type II diabetes. It was shown early on that metformin could lower glucose levels in diabetics, and it has been the standard treatment ever since. More recently, a study on mice showed that metformin could extend their lifespan by 24% and prevent cancer. In addition, it was revealed that metformin could extend the lifespan of roundworms by a significant 41%. While there have not been any human studies on metformin and its anti-aging properties, many people have started taking it as a supplement because of these results. Metformin may mimic the effects of caloric restriction – the most prominent theory on anti-aging and how we can increase lifespan.

Metformin is only available by prescription, so consult your doctor if you are interested in taking it.

RELATED READING: David Sinclair’s NMN & Resveratrol Protocol


Statins are one of the most used drugs worldwide, but their mechanism of action is not fully understood. They’re effective in preventing cardiovascular disease making them very popular among people who have heart problems and those who want to improve their health. Statins work by inhibiting an enzyme called HMG-CoA reductase, which plays an essential role in cholesterol formation.

A surprising discovery was made when it was shown that statins have some anti-aging properties. Studies on roundworms showed that inhibition of HMG-CoA can extend their lifespan by more than 50%, while it only has a negligible effect on humans. Luckily, statins have no side effects, and they’re well tolerated even at high dosages. It’s important to note that the study was performed on roundworms, so we don’t know if those results can be applied to humans as well. However, it shows that statins have a lot of potential as an anti-aging treatment.

Statin is also a prescription drug, and David takes it due to a family history of high cholesterol.

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Aspirin is a very popular medicine that can be used in pain relief, but it has much more benefits to our health than simply blocking the production of prostaglandins. Studies have shown that aspirin could prevent different cancers, be an anti-inflammatory agent, and help remove damaged cells from the body. A study on mice showed that aspirin could complement the anti-aging effects of resveratrol and further extend their lifespan.

In addition, it’s been shown that aspirin could help fight Alzheimer’s disease. Unfortunately, aspirin is not suitable for everyone and has some severe side effects. Many people have bleeding disorders or take other types of medication, which makes taking a standard aspirin regimen dangerous.

You can pick up Bayer Low-Dose Aspirin for cheap on Amazon.

RELATED READING: Dr. Andrew Huberman’s Supplement List

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D has long been known for its anti-inflammatory properties, but recent studies have shown that it can also contribute to aging. It was demonstrated that mice deficient in vitamin D3 had shorter telomeres than normal mice, which is an indicator of accelerated aging. Mice that were given high doses of vitamin D3 had longer telomeres and lived longer than normal mice. Interestingly, the same results were not observed in human studies.

A study on older people showed that vitamin D doesn’t seem to influence telomere length or aging. However, the participants of this study did not take any vitamin supplements, so it’s possible that taking vitamin D supplements may have had a different effect on them. So why does it seem like we keep hearing about the benefits of vitamin D and its impact on longevity? It could be because scientists are still trying to figure out the limiting factor for vitamin D – is it the amount of vitamin D in the blood or the function of cells that depend on vitamin D3? There are many things we still don’t know about this nutrient and its effect on aging.

We recommend using Thorne Vitamin D3.

RELATED READING: Dr. Rhonda Patrick’s Supplement Stack

Vitamin K2

Another essential vitamin is Vitamin K2, which has been shown to have anti-aging properties. Vitamin K can be found in leafy green vegetables, and it’s an essential part of our diet. There are two main types of Vitamin K: phylloquinone (K1) and menaquinone (K2). They’re both commonly found in our diets, but the latter is more common among people on a vegetarian diet. Vitamin K has been shown to protect against cardiovascular disease by reducing inflammation, promoting calcium binding to bones, and inhibiting vascular calcification.

Interestingly, it was also shown that vitamin K could be used as an anti-aging treatment. Studies have shown that menaquinone can slow down the process of “cellular aging” by suppressing inflame-aging, a form of chronic inflammation that is also linked to degenerative diseases. Vitamin K2 was even proposed as a potential treatment for Alzheimer’s disease due to its ability to regulate calcium concentration and inhibit neurodegeneration.

Life Extension Super K is our recommended vitamin k supplement.

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Omega-3 Fish Oil

Fish oil is one of the most popular supplements around the world. Omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and have been shown to improve heart health. However, their nootropic effects can also be beneficial for brain function. Studies show that fish oil reduces anxiety and depression while preserving cognitive function. It was even found to protect against neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Studies show that people who regularly eat fish have a lower risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases than those who rarely eat it. This could be because omega-3 reduces amyloid plaque build-up, slows down the effects of aging on the brain, and preserves cognitive function in healthy elderly adults.

In addition, fish oil has been shown to provide a nootropic effect and improve cognitive function. It was also revealed that omega-3s could increase the size of grey matter in the brain, which means it can help you think better.

Dr. Rhonda Patrick – the expert when it comes to all things fish oil – takes Nordic Naturals Omega.

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Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)

Alpha-lipoic acid is a supplement that has been shown to have antioxidant properties and can help protect the brain from free radicals. Studies show that it also plays a role in stimulating the growth of new neurons, which could be an essential factor for preventing cognitive decline. In addition, Alpha Lipoic Acid has been shown to reduce insulin resistance, which is a major risk factor for type II diabetes. Having insulin resistance can speed up the aging process because it leads to higher levels of inflammation in the brain. It can also lead to cognitive impairment by causing damage to the hippocampus, an essential structure of the brain involved in memory function.

Alpha-lipoic acid has been shown to slow the progression of cognitive decline in people who have mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease by improving insulin sensitivity and reducing inflammation. However, more research is needed to determine whether alpha-lipoic acid can help treat or prevent neurodegenerative diseases.

You can’t go wrong with Thorne Research’s ALA supplement.

RELATED READING: Dr. Rhonda Patrick’s Fish Oil Protocol & Brand

Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 has antioxidant properties that can help protect cells from free radicals. It’s also involved in the process of turning food into fuel for the mitochondria, which are structures inside our cells that produce energy. Studies show that coenzyme Q10 levels decline with age. However, it’s still unclear whether there is a cause-and-effect relationship between these two factors because it might also result from mitochondrial dysfunction. However, some studies show supplementing with coenzyme Q10 improves cognitive function in older adults.

It was even found to improve memory and attention span. Similar to vitamin D3, another study showed that supplementation with antioxidant-rich foods like coenzyme Q10 could enhance cognitive function in people with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease, thus acting as an anti-aging supplement. We recommend Coq10 by Pure Encapsulations.

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Quercetin is a flavonoid that can be found in vegetables, tea, and red wine. Flavonoids are antioxidants that act as cell signaling molecules. Studies show that quercetin can improve memory function by improving communication between neurons (by increasing BDNF levels), thus allowing our brain to process information efficiently. It was also shown to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease in mice by improving communication between neurons and reducing inflammation.

Similarly, another study found that quercetin can protect dopaminergic neurons (nerve cells) in the brain, thus stopping neurodegeneration. This could be very important for preventing cognitive decline because dopamine is a neurotransmitter involved in the brain’s reward system, thus playing a pivotal role in motivation and pleasure. Quercetin has also been shown to increase serotonin levels, one neurotransmitter that influences mood, appetite, sleep, and memory. This makes it qualify as an anti-aging supplement.

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Fisetin is a flavonoid similar to quercetin. Studies show that it can protect your brain from oxidative stress and inflammation involved in neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis. Fisetin also has antioxidant properties that can help fight free radicals and regulate cell growth and apoptosis (the process of programmed cell death).

Interestingly, fisetin has improved cognition in mice by increasing BDNF levels, thus stimulating neurogenesis. Neurogenesis is the process of forming new neurons, which is crucial for preventing age-related cognitive decline because as we get older, our brain starts producing fewer and fewer neurons. Like quercetin, fisetin has also been shown to increase serotonin levels, thus acting as an anti-aging supplement. We recommend Doublewood’s Fisetin supplement. 


All the supplements mentioned above have been shown to improve cognitive function significantly. As you can see, they all have different mechanisms of action, so it’s essential to take them in combination with each other since this will allow you to cover everything. All these antioxidants are also healthy for lowering inflammation, which is crucial not only for preventing cognitive decline but numerous other diseases as well.

Furthermore, they are not harmful in any way, so you won’t have to worry about taking them for a long time. Just make sure to take the recommended dosage on the label since this has been clinically proven to be effective and safe. It’s also essential to mention fish oil supplements since fish is one of the most significant sources of these antioxidants. Fish oil supplements are also perfect for lowering inflammation, so they are perfect when combined with the accessories mentioned above.

Blake Hutchinson
Blake Hutchinson
Blake Hutchinson is the lead blogger at BrainFlow. Blake was one of the original founders of BrainFlow back in 2017 and currently holds the title of Lead Content Creator. Blake has a passion for bio-hacking, longevity, and creative storytelling. Blake is a noted Huberman Lab stan and loves to nerd out dissecting each new episode. Blake lives in Denver, Colorado and spends his free time hiking, writing, and spending time with his dogs.

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  1. “There is a lot of misinformation circulating on the internet about anti-aging supplements.”

    Ha! One piece of misinformation being that Dr. David Sinclair is the author of The Longevity Diet.


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