Andrew Huberman’s NMN & NR Protocol: Dosage & Brand

In the relentless pursuit of human potential, we’re often on a quest to unlock the secrets of longevity, vitality, and peak performance. The journey takes us through the pages of science, where we encounter mavericks who dare to explore uncharted territories of human optimization.

Enter Dr. Andrew Huberman, a trailblazing neuroscientist and professor at Stanford School of Medicine, whose insatiable curiosity has led him to explore the profound impact of Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) and Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) on the human body. In the style of a modern-day alchemist, Huberman seeks to elevate his game, not by seeking immortality, but by enhancing his mental and physical prowess.

This article peels back the curtain on Huberman’s audacious experiment, delving into his use of NMN and NR to supercharge NAD+ levels, the biological currency of energy, and vitality. It’s a journey into the realm of high-performance hacking, where the boundaries of human potential are pushed, and the body and mind are harnessed to their fullest capabilities.

So, fasten your seatbelts and prepare to dive into the world of Andrew Huberman, where science meets self-optimization, and the quest for boundless energy takes center stage. This is not a tale of immortality, but of maximizing the moments we have and unleashing the power within. Welcome to the Huberman NAD+ hack—a journey into the extraordinary.

Andrew Huberman’s NMN & NR Dosage & Brand

Dr. Huberman’s dosage regimen is not a mere prescription; it’s a culmination of meticulous self-observation and scientific curiosity. Let’s unravel the layers of his dosage strategy to understand how he fine-tuned his daily intake for optimal results.

Supplementation Synergy

When it comes to NMN & NR supplementation, Huberman has honed his regimen to precision. In a recent AMA on the Huberman Lab podcast, he revealed that he routinely ingests 500 milligrams of Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) in supplemental form. NR, known for its potential to bolster NAD+ levels, finds its place in Huberman’s daily routine. In a recent Tweet, Huberman claims he uses Renue by Science as his go-to brand for longevity supplements and says they don’t pay him a dime.

But that’s not where his journey ends. Dr. Huberman also incorporates Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) into his regimen—a sublingual powder by Renue by Science that dissolves swiftly beneath the tongue. You can get a 3-month supply of NMN powder from Renue by Science for around $80 using code ‘brainflow’ at checkout. The dosage ranges from 1 to 2 grams daily, each granule holding the promise of NAD+ enhancement.

RELATED READING: Andrew Huberman’s Complete Supplement List

A Calculated Cocktail of NMN & NR

What sets Dr. Huberman apart is his methodical approach to comparing NR and NMN. He doesn’t merely rely on anecdotal evidence but conducts self-experiments to discern their distinct effects. At times, he consumes them individually to assess their impact, and at others, he combines them to gauge the synergy between these NAD+ precursors.

The ultimate goal of this intricate dosage dance? It’s not an elusive quest for eternal life. Instead, Dr. Huberman aims to ignite a wellspring of sustained mental and physical energy that accompanies him throughout his daily endeavors. This vitality isn’t overpowering, preventing him from resting or sleeping; rather, it’s a harmonious energy flow that nourishes his pursuit of knowledge and vitality.

It’s essential to underline that Dr. Huberman’s approach remains rooted in self-optimization rather than promises of longevity. While the scientific world grapples with the question of whether NAD+ precursors can extend the human lifespan, Huberman’s focus remains unwavering—maximizing the potential of each day and embracing life’s journey with vigor.

The Benefits of Increased NAD Levels

Aging is an inevitable journey that every living being embarks upon. As the years pass, our bodies undergo a myriad of changes, and a prominent player in this complex process is the decline of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+). NAD+, often hailed as the “currency of life,” is a crucial coenzyme that plays a pivotal role in countless cellular processes. This decline in NAD+ levels has been implicated in age-related ailments, making it a subject of immense interest for those seeking to age gracefully and maintain optimal health.

Enter Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) and Nicotinamide Riboside (NR), two remarkable compounds that have garnered attention for their potential to counteract the effects of declining NAD+ levels as we age. These compounds, often referred to as NAD+ precursors, have been shown in human studies to bolster NAD+ levels in cells, offering a glimmer of hope in the quest to turn back the hands of time.

The benefits of supplementing with NMN and NR are multi-faceted. Firstly, these compounds hold the promise of bolstering cellular energy production. NAD+ serves as a critical component in the process of converting food into energy, and by replenishing NAD+ levels, NMN and NR may help rejuvenate cellular metabolism. This can translate into increased vitality and sustained energy levels, enabling individuals to maintain an active lifestyle and engage in activities they cherish.

Secondly, the role of NAD+ extends beyond energy production. It acts as a key player in DNA repair, protecting the genome from damage and ensuring the integrity of our genetic code. With age, the body’s ability to repair DNA diminishes, making it susceptible to mutations that can contribute to aging-related diseases. By elevating NAD+ levels, NMN and NR may aid in fortifying the body’s natural defenses against DNA damage, potentially reducing the risk of age-associated diseases.

Finally, NAD+ is intricately linked to the regulation of various cellular processes, including those related to inflammation and oxidative stress. Aging is often accompanied by chronic inflammation and increased oxidative stress, which can contribute to a range of age-related ailments, from cardiovascular issues to neurodegenerative diseases. NMN and NR, by replenishing NAD+, may help maintain a healthier balance in these processes, potentially mitigating the impact of aging on overall health and well-being.

While the scientific understanding of the full spectrum of benefits offered by NMN and NR is still evolving, these NAD+ precursors hold significant promise as tools for combating the effects of aging. As research continues to shed light on their mechanisms and effectiveness, individuals looking to optimize their health and vitality in their later years have compelling reasons to explore the potential benefits of NMN and NR supplementation.

Huberman’s NAD+ Injection Experience

Dr. Andrew Huberman’s relentless pursuit of vitality led him to explore the unconventional world of NAD+ injections. These injections offer a direct method of increasing NAD+ levels within the body by infusing NAD+ directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system.

However, Huberman’s personal account highlights the discomfort associated with NAD+ infusions. Many individuals experience nausea during the process, often requiring anti-nausea medication for relief. In Huberman’s case, he chose to forego additional medications, opting for minimal intervention.

Despite the initial discomfort, Huberman reports significant benefits from his NAD+ infusion experiences. These include improved sleep, increased vigor, and an overall sense of rejuvenation, particularly when recovering from illness. While his personal accounts are intriguing, it’s important to note that there are no formal clinical trials exploring NAD+ infusions for enhancing overall well-being at the time of Huberman’s statements.

Huberman’s willingness to venture into this uncharted territory underscores his dedication to self-experimentation and the pursuit of knowledge in the quest for vitality. His experiences serve as a reminder that the journey toward self-optimization often leads us down unexpected paths in the ever-evolving landscape of human health and wellness.

Blake Hutchinson
Blake Hutchinson
Blake Hutchinson is the lead blogger at BrainFlow. Blake was one of the original founders of BrainFlow back in 2017 and currently holds the title of Lead Content Creator. Blake has a passion for bio-hacking, longevity, and creative storytelling. Blake is a noted Huberman Lab stan and loves to nerd out dissecting each new episode. Blake lives in Denver, Colorado and spends his free time hiking, writing, and spending time with his dogs.

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