Andrew Huberman’s 7-Step Morning Routine

Let’s face it: mornings can be rough. But what if there was a way to not just endure them but to truly master them? Dr. Andrew Huberman, a luminary in the field of neuroscience, might just have cracked the code.

Drawing upon a wealth of research and personal experimentation, Huberman has curated a morning ritual designed to supercharge your day from the get-go. This isn’t about a one-size-fits-all checklist; it’s about understanding the “why” behind each practice.

Ready to dive deep into the intricacies of the morning? Grab that (delayed) cup of coffee, and let’s explore the Huberman approach to seizing the dawn.

Andrew Huberman’s Optimal Morning Routine

Sleep is the foundation of all of this. Without adequate, consistent sleep, our overall efficiency dips. This not only affects metabolism and immunity but also hampers recovery, disrupts hormonal balance, and more. Before diving into morning rituals, it’s paramount to secure 7-9 hours of slumber each night. However, it’s worth noting that an occasional off-night won’t necessarily derail your day. That’s where a robust morning routine proves invaluable – regardless of whether you’ve had a full 10 hours or a mere five.

1. Prioritize Hydration Upon Waking

When it comes to optimizing one’s morning routine, Dr. Andrew Huberman unveils a game-changing strategy that’s almost deceivingly simple: quench your body’s thirst first thing. Picture this: after a long, restorative slumber, your body is parched. Every cell, from your brain to your muscles, is yearning for hydration. And why? Because during those hours of sleep, your body is diligently working, clearing out metabolic waste and resetting systems.

Now, Huberman isn’t suggesting you toss your beloved morning brew out the window. Far from it. But, consider this slight pivot: Before that first aromatic sip of java hits your lips, let a glass or two of H2O be your morning elixir. Not only does it satiate the body’s essential need for water, but it also sets a revitalized tone for the day that lies ahead. Trust me, your body and brain will thank you.

2. Get Sunlight Within 1 Hour of Waking

Want the secret sauce to supercharge your day? Here’s a hint from Dr. Andrew Huberman: it’s hanging in the sky. Sunlight. That’s right. But not just any sunlight – morning sunlight. If you’re game to get an edge on productivity, aim to bathe in that glorious dawn light within your first waking hour. Drop the sunglasses; your brain needs this.

Let’s unpack this.

Every time you catch those morning rays, you’re sending your brain a VIP invite to the day’s main event. It’s not just a ritual; it’s neuroscience. You’re jumpstarting a dopamine release, nature’s own feel-good booster shot, preparing you for whatever the world throws at you.

The benefits? They’re multi-fold. Morning sunlight not only fine-tunes our cortisol – the “I’m ready to seize the day” hormone – but also paves the way for killer sleep when night falls. The evidence is stacked in Huberman’s corner. Dive into the research, and you’ll see: morning sun is the unsung hero for sustained alertness and top-tier nighttime rest.

But hey, the sun can sometimes play hard to get. What then? Huberman’s got a plan B: an LED Light Box. Think of it as the understudy, always ready to step in and keep your circadian show running on cue. It’s a biohacker’s dream and another tool for your arsenal.

RELATED READING: Dr. Andrew Huberman’s Supplement List

3. Delayed Caffeine Intake

Dr. Huberman’s deep dives into neuroscience have unearthed some fascinating nuggets about our beloved morning brew. Instead of guzzling down that cup of joe as soon as you rise, consider waiting a bit. Delaying caffeine consumption by about 90-120 minutes after waking can elevate your alertness and sidestep that dreaded afternoon slump. However, an early workout is on your agenda? Feel free to indulge beforehand. And while you’re recalibrating your caffeine schedule, reach for a tall glass of water, perhaps with a pinch of sea salt. Your body, having fasted all night, will thank you for the hydration boost before any caffeinated kick.

4. Engage in Morning Exercise

Mornings set the tone. Dr. Andrew Huberman doesn’t just say it; he lives it with purposeful morning exercise. It’s not solely about burning calories or muscle flexing; it’s about energizing the mind, body, and the intricate dance of our inner biochemistry.

Don’t fret if “morning person” isn’t your label. Dr. Huberman’s approach isn’t about grueling routines but consistent, intentional movement. Whether it’s a calming yoga session, a quick jog, or brief strength exercises, the goal is mobilization. These activities unleash neurotransmitters like dopamine, which elevate mood and sharpen focus, priming you for the day.

A tip from Huberman: Make it enjoyable. Pair your morning hustle with a favorite podcast or an upbeat track. It’s the fusion of neuroscience and daily ritual, setting you up for success. Dive in, set that morning tone, and thrive. If you’re up for it, you can try Huberman’s fitness protocol.

RELATED READING: Andrew Huberman’s Famous Sleep Cocktail

5. Embrace Cold Exposure

Venturing into the cold might not be your idea of a warm welcome to the day, but in the playbook of Dr. Andrew Huberman, it’s a vital elixir. Think of it as a biohack to jumpstart your morning.

Here’s the deal: cold exposure isn’t just a jolt to the system. It sets off a cascade of reactions in the body, releasing mood-enhancing chemicals like epinephrine and dopamine. The result? A boost in alertness and vigor that coffee just can’t match.

Huberman’s approach isn’t about mere endurance; it’s about embracing the cold’s benefits. As you brace yourself in a cold shower or ice bath, the magic happens: the body’s surface cools, yet your core heats up. This dance of temperatures revamps neural circuits, offering a rejuvenating reset.

So, next time you’re about to shy away from the cold, think of it as Huberman’s way of merging ancient wisdom with cutting-edge science. Dive in, embrace the chill, and let it awaken your morning potential.

6. Master Your Morning Breath

Dr. Huberman leans into cyclic hyperventilation to kickstart his day. It’s simple: rapid inhales through the nose, followed by robust exhales out the mouth, repeated 20-25 times. This boosts adrenaline and sharpens focus. After this cycle, he empties his lungs, holds his breath for 15-30 seconds, and taps into heightened energy and clarity.

A word of caution: This technique can be intense. If you’re prone to anxiety or panic attacks, tread lightly. Ensure safety, stay seated, and keep clear of water. With this breathwork, you’re embracing a vibrant start to your day.

7. Optimize Your Productivity

For anyone on the hunt to supercharge their productivity, Dr. Huberman dishes out some pro tips. Elevate your computer screen to eye level or higher; it’s a stealthy trick to dial up your alertness. Feeling sidetracked? Consider tuning into 40 hertz binaural beats. White noise is another contender, but sometimes, silence is the unsung hero. The sweet spot for heavy mental lifting? Roughly 1-4 hours after you rise and shine. And here’s a nugget: lace up for a moderate workout before those tasks; it’s a brain-boosting prelude that sharpens your focus.

Final Thoughts

Crafting a morning routine isn’t just about setting an alarm and hoping for the best. As Dr. Huberman’s insights illustrate, it’s an orchestrated symphony of habits, each with a distinct role in setting the tone for your day. Whether it’s the simple act of hydrating or the invigorating embrace of cold exposure, each step is a building block toward a day filled with focus, energy, and productivity. Embrace these practices, tweak them to fit your rhythm, and watch as your mornings transform from groggy beginnings to purpose-driven launches. After all, how you start your morning can dictate the rhythm of your day. So, why not make it count?

Blake Hutchinson
Blake Hutchinson
Blake Hutchinson is the lead blogger at BrainFlow. Blake was one of the original founders of BrainFlow back in 2017 and currently holds the title of Lead Content Creator. Blake has a passion for bio-hacking, longevity, and creative storytelling. Blake is a noted Huberman Lab stan and loves to nerd out dissecting each new episode. Blake lives in Denver, Colorado and spends his free time hiking, writing, and spending time with his dogs.

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    • Hey Mason,

      Good question. According to Huberman’s website, “If it’s dark when you wake up or if the weather prevents you from going outside, flip on as many bright indoor artificial lights as possible — then get outside as soon as the sun is out.”



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