Dr. David Sinclair is a tenured Professor of Genetics at Harvard University. He is an expert and pioneer in the field of aging. He is also the author of the best-selling book Lifespan: Why We Age & Why We Don’t Have To, and is the host of the Lifespan Podcast.
Dr. Sinclair has published groundbreaking studies regarding the benefits of NMN and resveratrol when it comes to anti-aging. David believes that not only can we extend our lifespan, but we can actually reverse it. He himself supplements with resveratrol and NMN, so let’s take a look at his protocol.
Dr. David Sinclair’s NMN & Resveratrol Supplement Dosage & Brands
NMN and resveratrol are the highlights of Dr. Sinclair’s anti-aging routine, which is one of the reasons he looks so young at 50. David discovered the anti-aging benefits of these supplements in his research lab at Harvard. So here is his daily NMN and resveratrol stack.
- NMN – 1 gram daily in the morning (Buy here)
- Resveratrol – 1 gram daily in the morning mixed with yogurt because taking it with a fat source increases its bio-availability (Buy here)
Benefits of NMN
NMN, also known as nicotinamide mononucleotide, is a groundbreaking molecule because it is one of the first longevity “substances” to be proven by science to extend lifespan. As we age, our DNA becomes damaged, and our body’s ability to repair that DNA decreases as well.
Here’s where NMN is the star – it actually maintains our DNA and helps to repair damaged DNA. Sirtuins are proteins that maintain the epigenome and are responsible for repairing DNA damage. When NMN is consumed it is converted to NAD+, and Sirtuins can only function in the presence of NAD+.
According to this 2014 study: “NAD+ becomes limiting during aging, affecting sirtuins’ activities…NAD+ decline is likely to be due to a NAD+ biosynthesis defect and increased depletion..Supplementing key NAD+ intermediates can restore NAD+levels and ameliorate age-associated pathophysiologies”
So by supplementing with NMN, we can maintain healthy DNA, maintain the epigenome, and repair DNA damage. Dr. Sinclair has not only said he believes we can live longer, but we can actually REVERSE aging. David supplements 1 gram of NMN daily in capsule form with his daily coffee in the morning. Do NOT buy NMN off Amazon, as they are extremely low-quality and have been proven to be flukes. While David doesn’t mention his brand, we recommend the same one Andrew Huberman takes, which is Renue by Science (code ‘brainflow’ for 15% off).
RELATED READING: Dr. David Sinclair’s Complete Supplement Stack
Benefits of Resveratrol
You’ve likely heard of resveratrol. It’s found in red wine, and one of the reasons drinking a glass at night has health benefits. Resveratrol is in a class of plant micronutrients known as polyphenols. Polyphenols are what plants make to fight disease or survive a drought.
One thing researchers like David have concluded is that inflammation is enemy number one when it comes to aging. Resveratrol has both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, protecting you from some of the leading causes of death such as cancer, diabetes, and even Alzheimer’s disease.
Resveratrol protects the body from free radical cell damage. In addition, resveratrol promotes the activity of Sirtuins (those proteins we mentioned above), as well as promoting NMN.
Dr. Sinclair takes 1 gram of resveratrol in the morning mixed in yogurt. By taking resveratrol with a fat source, it improves its bioavailability. As with NMN, we don’t recommend buying resveratrol from Amazon. Do your research on a quality resveratrol source. We also recommend resveratrol in powder form by Renue by Science so you can mix it with a fat source.
RELATED READING: Joe Rogan’s Insane Daily Supplement Stack
Where to Buy
David has never mentioned what brand he uses because he uses his lab supply. As mentioned above, avoid Amazon at all costs. Check out this report below that tested 21 brands of NMN on Amazon. Astonishingly, 14 brands were found to contain LESS THAN 1% of the NMN they claimed to have.

That’s why we recommend going with Renue by Science. They were the first company to report third-party testing of the purity of its product and were the first company to engineer a sublingual NMN powder – making the product even more bioavailable. You can read more about the company here.