5 Best Supplements To Boost Testosterone

As a guy in my 40s, I’ve definitely noticed some changes over the years—energy dips, slower recovery from workouts, and let’s not even get started on motivation. It wasn’t until I started researching testosterone that I realized just how much this hormone plays a role in how we feel and perform every day. If you’ve been wondering how to naturally support your T levels, you’re not alone. After trying a variety of supplements and doing my own experimenting, I’ve found a handful that made a noticeable difference for me.

In this article, I’m going to break down the top five supplements I’ve personally used to help boost my testosterone levels. No fluff, just real-world results and insights. Let’s dive in!

1. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is one of the most underrated supplements when it comes to boosting testosterone levels. While most people associate it with bone health, it plays a critical role in hormone production, including testosterone. It’s actually a prohormone, meaning your body uses it to create and regulate hormones, and testosterone is no exception.

I first started supplementing with Vitamin D after reading how common deficiencies are, especially for those of us who spend a lot of time indoors or live in colder climates (hello, Colorado winters!). After just a few weeks of taking it, I noticed a subtle but steady improvement in my energy levels, particularly during workouts. There’s even research backing this up—one study found that men who supplemented with Vitamin D had higher levels of free testosterone compared to those who didn’t.

For my daily dose, I’ve been using Momentous Vitamin D after hearing it recommended on the Huberman Lab podcast. It’s a high-quality product that’s easy to incorporate into your routine. If you’re looking to try it out, you can use my code BRAINFLOW for 15% off on the Momentous website. Whether you’re low on Vitamin D or just looking to optimize your testosterone naturally, this is a great supplement to consider.

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2. Zinc

Zinc is another powerhouse when it comes to supporting testosterone levels, and it’s one of the most important minerals for men’s overall hormone health. Zinc plays a crucial role in regulating testosterone production, and being deficient in it can lead to lower testosterone levels. In fact, research has shown that men who are low in zinc can experience a significant dip in testosterone, while supplementing with it can help restore those levels.

I started incorporating zinc into my routine when I noticed that my diet wasn’t giving me enough of this key mineral. The difference was subtle but noticeable—I had better energy, fewer sluggish afternoons, and I felt more “on” during workouts. Plus, it helped keep my immune system strong, which is always a bonus when you’re trying to stay consistent with your training.

If you’re thinking of adding zinc to your stack, make sure you’re not already getting enough through your diet. Foods like red meat, shellfish, and pumpkin seeds are rich in zinc, but if you’re not regularly eating these, a supplement can be a simple and effective solution. Just be careful not to overdo it, as too much zinc can interfere with other minerals like copper. Stick to a moderate daily dose—usually around 30 mg is recommended. I take Momentous Zinc, but any good ole brand will work.

3. Tongkat Ali

Tongkat Ali, also known as Eurycoma longifolia, has been gaining a lot of attention recently for its potential to boost testosterone naturally. This powerful herb has been used for centuries in traditional medicine, but its benefits for modern men—particularly in the realm of testosterone support—are hard to ignore. Studies have shown that Tongkat Ali can help increase free testosterone levels while also improving mood, reducing stress, and enhancing libido.

One of the reasons I decided to try Tongkat Ali was after hearing Andrew Huberman talk about it on his podcast. Huberman himself reported noticeable benefits, particularly with increased testosterone levels and improved vitality, when he took it. That endorsement piqued my curiosity, and I can say that after adding it to my routine, I felt an uplift in energy and overall drive, especially in the gym.

What I really liked about Tongkat Ali is that it doesn’t just give you a temporary boost—it works by helping your body optimize its natural testosterone production over time. For me, this meant more consistent energy throughout the day, better workouts, and an overall sense of balance. If you’re looking to enhance your testosterone levels naturally, this is definitely one to try. As with most of my supplements, I trust Momentous Tongkat Ali.

RELATED READING: Andrew Huberman’s Complete Daily Supplement Stack

4. Fadogia Agrestis

Fadogia Agrestis is another herb that has become popular in recent years for its potential to support testosterone levels and enhance overall male vitality. Originally used in traditional African medicine, Fadogia has shown promising results in animal studies, where it was found to increase testosterone production and improve sexual health. While human studies are still limited, the anecdotal evidence—especially from people like Andrew Huberman—has been compelling enough for me to give it a try.

When I first heard about Fadogia Agrestis on the Huberman Lab podcast, I was intrigued. Huberman shared that he combined it with Tongkat Ali to see notable benefits in terms of testosterone levels, strength, and sexual health. After adding it to my own supplement routine, I noticed a boost in energy and motivation, especially when it came to training. It felt like the missing piece to complement my other testosterone-boosting supplements.

One thing to keep in mind is that Fadogia Agrestis is still relatively new in the supplement world, and more research is needed to fully understand its long-term effects. That said, if you’re looking for a natural way to support testosterone production, this herb is worth exploring, especially when combined with Tongkat Ali for a synergistic effect. You can pick up a 6-month supply of Fadogia on Amazon for just $23!

5. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is one of my favorite all-around supplements—not just for testosterone, but for overall stress management and well-being. This adaptogenic herb has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years to help the body adapt to stress, and more recent studies have shown its ability to lower cortisol levels. Since cortisol and testosterone are inversely related, reducing stress can naturally help improve your testosterone levels.

Personally, I started using Ashwagandha during a particularly stressful period in my life, and I was amazed at how much calmer and more focused I felt after just a few weeks. But what really surprised me was the impact it had on my workouts and recovery. I had more stamina, felt less fatigued, and even noticed a slight boost in strength, all of which are key indicators of healthy testosterone levels.

Ashwagandha has also been shown in studies to directly improve testosterone levels in men, especially when taken regularly over time. If you’re looking for a natural, safe, and effective way to support your T levels while also managing stress, Ashwagandha is a no-brainer. I usually take it in the evening to help me wind down, but it’s flexible enough to be used at any time of day. You can pick up a 3-month supply of Ashwagandha on Amazon for like 10 bucks.

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Final Thoughts

Boosting testosterone naturally doesn’t have to be complicated, and from my experience, the right combination of supplements can make a big difference. After experimenting with Vitamin D, Zinc, Tongkat Ali, Fadogia Agrestis, and Ashwagandha, I’ve noticed improvements in everything from energy and focus to strength and overall vitality. Each of these supplements works in its own way to support testosterone production, and when combined with a solid diet and workout routine, the effects can be even more pronounced.

Of course, everyone’s body is different, so it’s important to find what works best for you. If you’re looking to get started, I’d recommend incorporating these supplements gradually and paying attention to how your body responds. And as always, it’s a good idea to check with your healthcare provider before adding anything new to your routine.

Whether you’re in your 40s like me or just looking for a natural edge, these supplements have been game-changers for me, and I hope they can help you feel your best too.

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