Build Resilience with David Goggins’ Morning Routine

Describing his morning routine, David Goggins sums it up by saying: “As I get up, I start to armor plate my mind and body.” David Goggins, a former Navy SEAL and ultramarathon runner, has become a symbol of resilience and determination in the world of fitness and personal development.

Known for pushing the limits of physical and mental strength, Goggins has amassed a large following, and many seek to emulate his relentless work ethic and discipline. His morning routine is particularly intriguing, as it sets the foundation for his daily achievements and reflects his commitment to a healthy lifestyle.

Goggins wakes up early, usually around 4 or 5 in the morning. According to a 2021 academic study, waking up just one hour earlier was associated with a 23% lower depression rate. Goggins starts his day with an intensive workout routine. Goggins starts his morning with a run saying, “Because that’s the one thing I hate doing more than anything in the world. That’s like my cup of coffee.” There is something profound about your feet hitting the pavement before the sun comes up while everyone else is still comfortable in their beds.

Goggins then gets a small bite to eat and hits the gym. This morning routine showcases Goggins’s astounding commitment to his physical and mental well-being, inspiring many who wish to challenge themselves and achieve higher fitness levels.

Understanding Goggins’ morning routine teaches you valuable lessons about discipline, goal-setting, and personal growth. Incorporating elements of his routine into your own life can lead to improved physical and mental health and tremendous overall success in personal endeavors.

Who is David Goggins

David Goggins is a renowned author, motivational speaker, and retired U.S. Navy SEAL. Born on February 17, 1975, in Buffalo, New York, Goggins has gained widespread recognition for his impressive athleticism, which includes being an ultra-marathon runner, ultra-distance cyclist, and triathlete.

In addition to his military background, Goggins is highly regarded for his mental resilience and dedication to physical fitness. His morning routine is a testament to his discipline and commitment to optimal health. David Goggins wakes up at 4 am and then decides whether to go for a run or commence his stretching routine. Stretching is an integral part of his daily regimen; he spends around two hours daily and has only missed two days in the last six years.

Goggins’ accomplishments extend beyond athletics and personal discipline. He shares his expertise and experiences as a motivational speaker to inspire others to overcome their limitations and push past their perceived boundaries. Through his example, Goggins has positively impacted countless individuals seeking improvement in their mental and physical well-being.

With his unwavering determination, David Goggins continues to defy the odds and prove that the only limitations are the ones we impose on ourselves. His story is a valuable lesson to those striving for growth, perseverance, and self-discipline.

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Armor Yourself for The Day

David Goggins is known for his intense and disciplined approach to life, exemplified in his morning routine. He wakes up at 4 a.m., setting the stage for a day packed with physical and mental challenges designed to push his limits. Goggins describes his morning as putting on armor that prepares him for the day ahead. This “armor” is the intense physical exercise that hardens his mind and trains him to tackle the day with ferocity.

One key aspect of Goggins’ morning routine is his commitment to stretching. Research has shown that 12 months of stretching is as effective as strengthening exercises or manual therapy in patients with chronic neck pain. Goggins spends approximately two hours daily on this crucial aspect of physical fitness.

The significance of this habit lies in its ability to improve flexibility, prevent injury, and promote overall physical health. Moreover, Goggins’ extraordinary dedication to stretching demonstrates his firm resolve to maintain peak performance regardless of other commitments or obstacles.

In addition to stretching, Goggins often begins his day with a run before or after his stretching routine. Running is ideal for boosting cardiovascular fitness, burning calories, and enhancing mental strength. This physically demanding activity helps Goggins to prepare for the many challenges awaiting him throughout the day, such as his 10-15-mile run and 25-mile bike ride, which are only part of his daily regimen.

Goggins’ morning routine undeniably sets the foundation for his exceptional prowess in endurance events and mental toughness. His disciplined approach to starting each day with an intense, focused regimen reflects the deep-rooted belief that success begins with a diligent and committed routine.

By developing these habits, David Goggins has forged a lifestyle that enables him to continually push beyond his perceived limits and achieve remarkable mental and physical strength feats.

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David Goggins Morning Routine

4 AM Wake Up Call

David Goggins is known for his intense commitment to fitness and self-improvement. As a part of that, he wakes up at 4 am every day without fail. This early start allows him to begin his training and stretching routine before most people start their day.


Goggins starts his day by deciding whether to go for a run or begin his stretching routine. He has an impressive commitment to stretching, dedicating around two hours each day to it and having only missed two days in the last six years. Additionally, Goggins’s exercise regime involves:

  • Running: 12-15 miles in the morning, followed by 5-8 miles around lunchtime. Goggins says 12 miles is the absolute minimum in the morning.
  • Biking: 25 miles in the morning, followed by another 25 miles after work.

These workouts hard Goggins’ mind and prepare him for the day to follow. He’s not waking up late or rushing around; he’s winning the morning to win the day. These early morning runs give him the confidence to tackle whatever problems he may face that day.

Eat Something Small

After his run, Goggins will eat something small to get him going in the morning. Goggins isn’t sitting down for a Denny’s Grand Slam Breakfast. Eat something light and quick. Goggins opts for Bulletproof coffee, a mixture of black coffee, grass-fed butter, and a few tablespoons of MCT oil. Goggins then has two fried eggs, bringing his morning caloric intake to just 470 calories.

Go to the Gym

Following his run, Goggins will hit a military-style weightlifting workout in the gym for 45 minutes to an hour and a half. These workouts consist of several calisthenics, such as push-ups and pull-ups.

Mental Clarity Practices

David Goggins is not only focused on physical fitness but also greatly emphasizes mental clarity and mindfulness. Goggins also says he does two hours of meditation daily but doesn’t elaborate on when he does. His morning routine is an opportunity to enter a state of mental focus, preparing him for the day ahead and ensuring he is fully engaged in the present moment. Goggins says his morning routine prepares him “to get hit in the f-ing mouth.”

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Benefits of David Goggins’ Morning Routine

David Goggins, a well-known author, motivational speaker, and ultra-endurance athlete, adheres to a vigorous morning routine. This routine has been documented to have various benefits for Goggins, such as improving physical health, mental strength, and productivity.

Physical Health

David Goggins’s morning routine emphasizes physical fitness, which provides numerous health advantages. He engages in intense workouts that help build and maintain strength, endurance, and cardiovascular health. This routine includes compound movements, such as pull-ups, push-ups, and squats, which are known to increase calorie burn and stimulate muscle growth. Additionally, Goggins’s consistent dedication to his physical fitness has reduced the risk of diseases and contributed to his overall well-being.

Mental Strength

The mental resilience Goggins demonstrates is a byproduct of his morning routine. He strengthens his mental fortitude by pushing his physical limits and facing challenges early in the day. He develops the ability to cope with stress and adversity in various aspects of life. Furthermore, engaging in physical activity releases endorphins, positively impacting mood and overall mental health.


David Goggins’s morning routine directly impacts his productivity throughout the day. By committing to a strict exercise regimen first thing in the morning, he sets the stage for increased energy, focus, and motivation, enabling him to tackle tasks more efficiently. Additionally, Goggins practices intermittent fasting, allowing him to manage his energy levels and maintain high productivity throughout the day.

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Following David Goggins’s Morning Routine


David Goggins, a renowned ultra-marathon runner, and retired Navy SEAL, follows a morning routine that has helped him achieve incredible physical and mental endurance feats. While not everyone can follow his exact routine to the letter, its elements can be applied to daily life to improve overall health, discipline, and mental fortitude.


Goggins’ routine consists of waking up early, stretching, hydrating, and exercising, among other activities. Identifying personal goals and desired outcomes is crucial to customize a routine for one’s needs. For example, if increasing physical fitness is the main objective, incorporate exercise routines tailored to particular strengths and weaknesses.

Start by adapting the wake-up time to fit personal schedules, then incorporate other aspects of Goggins’ routine, such as hydration, stretching, and meditation. Gradually build up exercise intensity and duration, remembering that consistency and progress are more important than trying to replicate Goggins’ exact routine from the get-go.


One essential element in David Goggins’ lifestyle and morning routine is persistence. Consistently following a morning routine, making adjustments, and pushing through challenging moments are vital for turning the routine into a long-term habit. Remember that it takes time, effort, and perseverance to see positive changes, whether in physical fitness, mental resilience, or overall well-being.

Goggins’ morning routine may not be an exact fit for everyone. Still, its principles—applicability, customization, and persistence—can be applied to create a personalized morning routine that lays the foundation for a healthier, more disciplined, and more determined life.

Rounding Up

David Goggins is well-known for his incredible discipline, dedication, and perseverance. His morning routine plays a critical role in his overall success and well-being. Understanding his daily practices can provide valuable insights for those interested in improving their productivity and resilience.

Goggins begins his day by waking up early, usually around 4 am. This early start lets him focus on his physical fitness and mental preparedness. One of the most prominent aspects of his morning routine is his commitment to running. He typically runs for around 10-20 miles every single day. This intense cardiovascular exercise is often complemented by biking and lifting sessions later in the day.

In addition to his physical activities, Goggins dedicates substantial time to stretching, with 2-3 hours allocated daily. This mindful practice enables him to maintain flexibility and prevent injuries, which are essential in his demanding training regimen.

Another crucial component of Goggins’ morning routine is his dietary approach. He practices intermittent fasting, which helps him efficiently manage his energy levels. Although he starts his day at 4 am, Goggins usually breaks his fast only after his mid-morning run.

In summary, David Goggins’ morning routine revolves around determination, physical fitness, and mental fortitude. By studying his practices, individuals can learn how to establish routines that contribute to personal growth, increased discipline, and improved overall well-being.

Blake Hutchinson
Blake Hutchinson
Blake Hutchinson is the lead blogger at BrainFlow. Blake was one of the original founders of BrainFlow back in 2017 and currently holds the title of Lead Content Creator. Blake has a passion for bio-hacking, longevity, and creative storytelling. Blake is a noted Huberman Lab stan and loves to nerd out dissecting each new episode. Blake lives in Denver, Colorado and spends his free time hiking, writing, and spending time with his dogs.

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