For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated by optimizing the human body. That’s why I started this blog. When I felt lethargic, wasn’t recovering as I used to, and was feeling crappy overall, I decided to get my test levels checked. I tested with an abysmal 278 ng/dL. Not wanting to take TRT, I tried everything I could to optimize my testosterone levels, including Andrew Huberman’s testosterone supplement stack. Three months later, my levels more than doubled to 643 ng/dL!
Everything else seems to fall into place when our bodies and minds perform optimally. We begin performing better at our jobs, being better partners and parents, and becoming more passionately engaged with our hobbies.
Let’s face it, none of us want to rely on 10 cups of coffee to make it through the day, resulting in us not having enough energy in the gym and the bedroom.
The modern man has everything imaginable being thrown his way to lower his testosterone. According to studies, Men have been losing an average of 1% of testosterone annually.
Thankfully, we have Dr. Andrew Huberman. The market is flooded with supplements claiming to raise testosterone, but Huberman only trusts three science-backed supplements to boost testosterone. Let’s dive into the supplements and which brand and dosage Huberman takes to raise testosterone.
Dr. Andrew Huberman’s Testosterone Supplements
- Tongkat Ali – Momentous Tongkat Ali – 425mg
- Fadogia Agrestis – Double Wood Fadogia Agrestis – 600mg
- Zinc Picolinate – Momentous Zinc Picolinate – 15mg
Related Reading: Dr. Andrew Huberman’s Complete Supplement Stack
Tongkat Ali

Tongkat ali is an herb derived from the roots of the green shrub tree Eurycoma longifolia. Hailing from southeast Asia, Tongkat Ali has been used for centuries in this region to treat male infertility, increase male libido, and treat erectile dysfunction.
Tongkat ali has been shown in several studies to promote fertility, increase free testosterone, and have an aphrodisiac effect. In addition, Tongkat Ali is a minor anti-estrogen.
In an episode of the Huberman Lab Podcast with Dr. Kyle Gillett, Huberman said this about his tongkat ali supplementation:
- He takes 400mg of tongkat ali early in the day because it has a mild stimulant effect.
- He has been taking it daily for years, never cycling it, as the effects tend to improve into the second and third months of taking it.
- According to his bloodwork, he saw a noticeable increase in free testosterone.
Note that Huberman has partnered with Momentous Supplements and only takes their products now, so if you want 15% off on their website, you can use code ‘brainflow’. For a more budget friendly alternative, you can check out Double Wood Tongkat Ali on Amazon.
Huberman’s tongkat ali brand: Momentous Tongkat Ali
Cheaper alternative: Double Wood Tongkat Ali
Huberman’s tongkat ali dosage: 400mg in the morning
Related Reading: Dr. David Sinclair’s Supplement List for Longevity
Fadogia Agrestis
Fadogia agrestis, also known as black aphrodisiac, is a shrub making its way from Nigeria. Fadogia agrestis can help produce testosterone and treat erectile dysfunction. According to Huberman, “Fadogia Agrestis acts as a luteinizing hormone mimetic, so it actually stimulates the testes to produce more testosterone.”
Simply put, Fadogia agrestis stimulates Luteinizing Hormone (LH) release, thus stimulating the Leydig cells of the testes. This increase in testosterone comes directly from the testes.
A study conducted in 2005 showed that the aqueous extract taken from the stem of the Fadogia agrestis shrub increased blood testosterone concentrations by a noticeable amount.
Huberman stated that he takes 425mg per day of Fadogia agrestis. Huberman noted that in addition to tongkat ali, his total testosterone grew by an astounding 200 ng/dL… going from the 600s to the 800s. For those unfamiliar with total testosterone levels, 800 is insanely high. Momentous currently doesn’t carry fadogia, but we found EVLution Fadogia Agrestis to be high-quality and it’s only $9.
Recommended Brand: Double Wood Fadogia Agrestis
Huberman’s Fadogia agrestis dosage: 425mg
Related Reading: Joe Rogan’s Legendary Daily Supplement List
Zinc Picolinate

We’ve all heard of zinc. It is an essential mineral that cells use to metabolize nutrients. Did you know that things like immune function, creation of DNA, protein production, growth of new cells, and healing damaged tissue are all influenced by zinc?
One of the leading causes of low testosterone is zinc deficiency. Zinc isn’t stored in the body, so you must take it daily. This is why it is easy for guys to fall into the trap of low testosterone simply due to low zinc levels.
There are different forms of zinc, but zinc picolinate is the most bioavailable. Zinc is one of those things that I believe everybody should supplement daily, just in case your diet doesn’t cover your body’s needs. If you don’t want to spend the extra buck on Momentous, you can pick up Nature’s Bounty Zinc Picolinate for just $9 on Amazon!
Huberman’s Zinc Picolinate brand: Momentous Zinc Picolinate
Cheaper alternative: Nature’s Bounty Zinc Picolinate
Huberman’s Zinc Picolinate dosage: 15mg
Related Reading: How Tim Ferriss Tripled His Testosterone Naturally
What brand of supplements does Andrew Huberman use?
Andrew Huberman is a partner with Momentous and uses their supplements. They offer high-quality supplements at a great price point and even feature different bundles of supplements Dr. Huberman uses. You can get his Momentous Testosterone bundle here.
What is Andrew Huberman’s Tongkat ali dose and brand?
Huberman supplements with 400mg of Momentous Tongkat Ali every morning.
Does Andrew Huberman take TRT?
No, Dr. Huberman does not currently take TRT. This is why he has this particular stack to raise his testosterone levels naturally.
What are Andrew Huberman’s testosterone levels?
Dr. Huberman has stated that his testosterone levels have been in the low 800s, which is insanely high, especially for his age.
Related Reading: Dr. Andrew Huberman’s Sleep Cocktail
Final Thoughts
I have tried just about everything in the book when it comes to raising testosterone naturally. From cold showers to different diets, but when it comes to supplements that are proven to raise testosterone – Dr. Andrew Huberman’s testosterone stack is my go-to.
I had no idea my diet lacked zinc, and upon supplementing with it, I noticed a difference in how I felt, and my testosterone levels went up by almost 400 points. Lifestyle changes are necessary when raising your testosterone, but this supplement stack should be essential to your toolkit.