Peter Attia is the author of the New York Times Best-Seller Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity. Attia also has a popular podcast called The Peter Attia Drive Podcast, which features guests who are experts in maximizing longevity, increasing healthspan, and improving physical and mental health. Peter Attia is also a Stanford-trained medical doctor.
Dr. Peter Attia is one of the world’s leading experts on all things health and longevity. This includes the supplements he takes, what he eats, and even his “biohacking tools”. He guides his patients through a regimen that works for them at a personal level. He does this by offering specific treatment plans for each person after careful examinations and not necessarily based on what works for him.
However, since the products that Dr. Attia has included in his health routine seem to work well, we set out to provide a detailed review of the supplements, tools, and diet he uses and their benefits. This information will come in handy in case you want to start taking supplements and need to familiarize yourself with the products.
It helps that Dr. Peter has extensive experience with supplements. Who better to give insight on the topic than an experienced person who has used them long enough to make accurate commentary about them? The following are the supplements and biohacking tools that have been the core of Dr. Peter Attia’s Routine over the years.
Dr. Peter Attia’s Supplement List
Peter Attia is an expert in supplementation, often posting studies to support which supplements he recommends on social media. The following are the supplements that have been the core of Attia’s supplement stack over the years.
- SlowMag
- Carlson’s Omega-3 Fish Oil
- BioSteel BCAA’s
- Thorne Vitamin D
- Thorne Berberine
- Pure Encapsulations Curcumin
Dr. Peter takes 400mg of magnesium per day. Magnesium preserves potassium, which leads to proper cellular function. The biochemist reveals that he takes two tablets of magnesium chloride in the morning. It helps with electrolyte absorption and balance and treats cramping.
For optimal results, Attia doubles the dose when he is on a fast. He also says that all his tablets are from the SlowMag brand. He takes 400mg of magnesium oxide to improve bowel function on the days he is not fasting.
A high percentage of magnesium in the body occurs in the bones. It is present in every cell in the body, thus making it a requirement for cells to function properly and enzymes to perform optimally. This makes it a necessary addition to your diet. You can get it from whole grains, beans, nuts, green vegetables, and seeds or from supplements if your levels are still low. Magnesium helps in the following processes:
- Chemical reactions
- Moving blood sugar into muscles
- Improving brain function to eliminate stress
- Reducing inflammation
RELATED READING: Harvard Scientist David Sinclair’s Anti-Aging Supplement List
Omega-3 Fish Oil
BCAAs and Omega-3 Fish Oil are among the supplements Dr. Attia has been taking consistently since 2011. He realized he wasn’t getting enough Omega-3, and he likes to take supplements that correct imbalances. His doctor advised him to balance this out using a high-quality fish oil with omega-3.
The biochemist reveals that he gets his omega-3 fish oil from Carlson’s Very Finest Fish Oil, which is the same brand that Dr. Rhonda Patrick and Joe Rogan use. He takes 10 ml or two teaspoons daily. This amount contains 1600mg of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and 1000mg of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). Dr. Peter takes this with the intention of balancing the omega-3 and omega-6 ratio.
The third type of omega fatty acid is ALA (linolenic acid). ALA is present in vegetable oils, seeds, nuts, and some vegetables. If ingested, it will need to be converted to EPA or DHA to provide any value. DHA and EPA are already in active forms and are available in fish oil. This is why supplements are a reliable option for getting your fatty acids.
Dr. Attia believes buying fish oil extracted from a big fish means you get the fish oil but also the harmful substances the fish acquired along its food chain. This is why he buys fish oil from a brand such as Carlson Labs. He prefers the fish oil to the tablets because it is cheaper and bioavailable. It is also effectively absorbed in the body as opposed to tablets. He reserves tablets for traveling and uses the oil when at home.
Benefits of fish oil for kids
It is important to provide fish oil to children because humans cannot produce omega-3 fatty acids in their bodies. Fish oil is important, especially for children diagnosed with attention deficit disorder. It helps to stabilize their behavior and boost their attention. Other benefits of fish oil include:- Promote child growth and development
- Improvement of memory, retention, and learning
- Better and healthy sleep
Benefits of fish oil for adults
If you want the fish oil for yourself, this is how it helps you:- Weight loss
- Improves eye health
- Immunity booster
- Improves heart health
- Promotes healthy, smooth skin
Branch Chain Amino Acids

Glutamine or Glutamate
Dr. also takes this amino acid after a heavy workout in the weight room or after biking and swimming. Glutamine helps the muscles to rebuild after intense training. It also helps the body in muscle and tissue recovery after a workout. You can pick up Thorne Glutamine Powder on Amazon.Benefits of amino acids
- They aid in muscle growth and development
- Efficient energy production
- Maintain reliable functioning of neurotransmitters
- Effective structuring and functioning of proteins
- Boosting immunity
- Mood improvement
- Better sleep
- Better performance during high-energy activities
- Preventing muscle loss
Dr. Attia takes potassium to avoid muscle cramps. It is an important mineral that is critical in balancing water in the body and muscle contractions. It promotes PH balance and regulates blood pressure as well. While you might get it from certain foods, they may not offer the right amount the body needs.
The mineral is not produced naturally in the body, which makes supplements a helpful addition. Potassium occurs naturally in green leafy vegetables, nuts, bananas, oranges, whole grains, and lean meats. The supplements should be a go-to choice for anyone not getting enough potassium through a balanced diet. They are best prescribed or taken as a dosage to avoid taking too much of it, which may cause health issues.
Dr. Attia gets curcumin from the Pure Encapsulation brand. It is a supplement for keeping the liver, cells, muscles, bones, and colon healthy. The capsules have biopiperine, which enables it to be absorbed effectively into the various organs of your body. Curcumin is the main component of turmeric. It is usually taken with black pepper, which contains piperine, for effective absorption. Dr. Attia takes this once a day to get its anti-inflammatory benefits. Benefits of curcumin include:
- Reducing inflammation
- Antioxidant effects
- Improves the brain’s ability to develop new neurons
- Delaying and reversing age-related decrease in brain function
- Reduction in the risk of heart diseases
RELATED READING: Discover 7 Longevity Benefits of Taking NMN
Lithium is mainly connected to mental health. The main foods with lithium are mineral water, potatoes, cereals, cabbage, and tomatoes. Dr. Attia took lithium supplements to experiment with whether it would help with mood stabilizing. He consulted his psychiatrist friend, someone with experience using lithium for bipolar patients, to get a professional opinion and learn about lithium toxicity. Tim Ferriss has also been known to supplement with lithium.
When he started, Dr. Peter was taking 600mg a day of lithium, which he admits is a high dose and advises against taking such dosage levels. He maintains that one should always consult a physician for the right dose. He encourages you to get lithium levels checked constantly. The physician should examine you for the following reasons:
- To measure lithium levels in your body
- Determine when to take lithium
- Decide which lithium to take of the different forms available
- Prescribe the right dosage
Taking lithium did affect Dr. Attia’s mood, but it came with side effects, such as nausea. He stopped taking mega doses of the supplement. He says if the groundwater lithium levels are true, you do not need to supplement lithium levels. As such, he currently takes 10-20 mg of lithium. He claims that although lithium is probably not harmful, he isn’t sure about the value he is getting from it. Common uses of lithium include:
- Improving blood health by treating anemia and low white blood cell count
- Treats depression
- For patients with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- Treating Schizophrenia
RELATED READING: Andrew Huberman’s Supplement Protocol For Anti-Aging
Prescribed baby aspirin
Dr. Peter considers aspirin a beneficial supplement for a myriad of reasons. He explains that he took aspirin initially as a preventive measure for heart disease, which is something a bit common in his family. He also takes it to prevent inflammation, high lipids levels, prevent endothelial dysfunction, and preventing thrombosis, which might cause a heart attack.
He recommends taking an aspirin work test. If it is positive, it means the patient has platelet metabolites. A patient is a good candidate for baby aspirin if there is one more reason to do it in conjunction with the positive test, for example, elevated lipids and significant heart disease risks. He believes if there are two of these in a patient, it is appropriate for him or her to take the baby aspirin.
Dr. Peter advises low-risk patients not to take aspirin because as much as the side effects are low, the value of taking it is also a bit lacking. He prefers a baby aspirin because it is a smaller dose than an ordinary aspirin, and it works by inhibiting the platelets’ functioning to encourage them to work well if a patient experiences a cut. As a result, he takes up to 4 baby aspirins when on a flight to minimize the chance of a blood clot.
Side effects
- Easy to bruise
- Low risk of having an ulcer
Methyl folate
Dr. Peter revealed that he also takes this supplement because he has MTHFR mutation in an interview with Tim Ferriss. The effect of the mutation is the failure of the body to methylate folic acid the right way. Taking the methyl folate is the next best solution to the problem. Folate is a B vitamin present in certain foods. However, the amount you take in your diet may not be enough for your body’s needs.
- Healthy red blood cell development
- Preventing anemia
- Effective DNA synthesis
- preventing brain and spine defects
B-12 and B-6
Dr. Attia takes B12 to get his B-12 levels where he wants them to be. He takes a low dose of B-12 to add to what he already has. He also takes B-6 or B-12 interchangeably and only twice a week to minimize the number of pill intakes. His guiding principle to taking these supplements, or any for that matter, is to have a specific dose that rhymes with his blood levels. This determines how much or how little he needs of the B-12 or B-6. Deficiency in Vitamin B manifests as skin rashes, sore and cracked lips, tongue glossitis, mood imbalance, low immunity, and tiredness. Thorne has a great Vitamin B Complex.
- Maintaining sufficient energy levels
- Converting fat and protein to energy – B12
- Leveling blood sugar levels- B6
- Preventing anemia – B12
Berberine is plant-derived and is an extract that acts like metformin. It is recommended in doses of 500mg or 1000mg twice daily and works by decreasing hepatic glucose output. Activating and regulating AMP kinase triggers the liver to make less glucose. The result is lower insulin and IGF 1 levels. The nutritionist prefers using metformin because it is pharmacological and consistent with what it does. It has been tried and tested, which is a quality that berberine lacks.
Attia uses Throne Berberine. The other property and why he uses it for some patients is because it’s a weak PCSK9 enzyme inhibitor. PCSK9 helps the body to break down lipoproteins and particles. Berberine works to lower LDL cholesterol and particles effectively in patients who over-express the enzyme.
As Dr. Peter keeps emphasizing, you cannot take the exact supplement stack that someone else is taking because you are likely dealing with different problems. As such, it is advisable to examine your body and know which supplements benefit you. For instance, berberine is ideal for individuals at risk of getting type 2 diabetes. You do not need it if your blood sugar levels are normal.
What to eat if you are taking berberine
- Whole grains
- Low carb diet
- Low-fat diet
- High protein meals
- Fruit and vegetables
- Yogurt
Rapamycin is an experimental longevity drug that Dr. Attia has been taking. Rapamycin is a naturally occurring antifungal agent from some discovered bacteria in 1966. It is the most potent antifungal drug ever discovered. It also prevents other elements from increasing, such as a type of white blood cell called the lymphocyte.
Rapamycin was approved by the FDA in 1999 to treat organ transplant patients. It suppresses the immune system and cells attacking a foreign program, the organ. Dr. Attia has been taking the drug for a few years. It was tested for longevity in a study by Richard Miller and colleagues.
In the study, they tested molecules thought to have the ability to increase health and life span. They tested rapamycin on mice and recorded an impressive lifespan improvement of more than ten years in male and female mice. The dose was also repeated on other animals of different ages, and the results consistently showed longevity of life. The tests also recorded better vision and hearing, which indicates a higher health span.
Side effects
- Aphthous ulcer or mouth sores
- Decrease in blood cell count due to slow proliferation of blood cells
- Lowering platelet count
- Anemia
Attia uses the Jarrow brand PS 100 to improve his sleeping habits. He takes it occasionally to lower adrenal output and get nutrients that aid in sleep. The supplement has vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.
- It boosts memory
- Proper brain functioning
- It treats and prevents anxiety, depression, Alzheimer’s, ADHD, sclerosis, and stress.
- Enhances healthy sleep
- Boost performance during sporting activities
RELATED READING: Tim Ferriss’ Complete Supplement List
Vitamin D
In a 2012 video, Dr. Attia explains that multivitamins violate his principle of taking supplements. As a result, he only takes those with the properties he is looking for. He says he has not seen evidence that multivitamins are good for you. He says his doctor advised him to stop taking them because they can cause harm to people who are already okay health-wise. This is because they might add chemicals to your body. As a result, Attia takes vitamin D, although he had tried Vitamin K for a while before stopping.
The biochemist reveals that he takes vitamin D based on his target levels for his body, which he cannot get without supplementing. He takes Vitamin D supplements daily and sometimes doubles the dose on the days he feels will be packed and stressful. Attia is a massive fan of Thorne supplements, so we will assume he uses Thorne Vitamin D.
The creatine phosphate system is one of the three energy systems in the human body. Phosphate is essential for healthy cells and to prevent muscle contraction. It boosts ion levels, too. Creatine provides the immediate phosphate you need as you work out. We have limited creatine and the phosphate it can give us. This is why creatine supplements are essential for energy and bodybuilding.
To build muscle mass, creatine supplements retain water within muscles. This, however, is a negative side effect for anyone trying to lose weight. Dr. Attia reveals he has gained 4 to 5 pounds when taking creatine, which interferes with his cycling workout because of the extra weight. He is unsure about the level of endurance creatine supplements create with long-exerting activities, such as long-distance swimming and running.
He says it works better with short activities or those requiring high-energy boosts. Formally, the supplement was available as creatine monohydrate. However, it comes in a more diminutive form mixed with other agents. The new form helps it get into muscles quickly. For instance, creatine is mixed with nitric oxide and other substances, ensuring you only take a small amount to prevent pronounced side effects. Andrew Huberman has even called creatine the “Michael Jordan” of supplements. We recommend going with Momentous Creatine, the brand Andrew Huberman uses (use code ‘brainflow’ for 15% off!).
Zetia and Lipitor
Doctor Peter takes these seasonally. These are lipid-lowering supplements that act as longevity medications. High lipid levels can cause atherosclerosis diseases. As such, he does not take them continually because, through experimenting, he discovered that he synthesizes cholesterol well. His low lipitor dosage of thrice a week and three doses of Zetia make the right balance.
RELATED READING: Peter Attia’s Cardiovascular Fitness Protocol: VO2 Max, Zone 2, & 80/20 Rule
Blood glucose
Dr. Attia takes supplements that help to level blood glucose, such as magnesium, berberine, and Vitamin D. However, he reveals that having a blood glucose monitor is more effective because you can monitor your blood sugar in real-time. Maintaining a healthy diet and a reminder that you have a goal to achieve is a motivating factor. A healthy diet is vital to prevent spiking glucose. Without it, you might take the supplements but resist the temptation of ingesting high carbohydrate-level foods like junk. A monitor is the bridge between making the final decision to do it. Dr. Attia uses the KETO-MOJO blood glucose and ketone monitor.
Brands of Supplements
Dr. Attia gets most of his supplements from Jarrow and Pure Encapsulations. He also goes to other brands for some specific kinds of supplements. For instance, he also trusts Carlson and Nordic Naturals for EPA and DHA fatty acids and Thorne for pretty much everything else, it seems. We all want to live long and healthy lives and accomplish all the goals that we have set. Using the right supplements will help you do just that.
Dr. Attia says the supplement journey is unique for each individual. One should do their research to find the best supplements for themselves. He emphasizes that you should experiment with combinations to find what works for you. Avoid taking supplements just because you need to perform at the gym without doing enough research.
Dr. Attia’s Biohacking Toolkit
Attia is a strong proponent of using technology for health and longevity. He’s been regularly featured in the media due to his involvement in the area. Below are some of the tools he uses (or recommends) for biohacking:Abbott Precision Xtra Ketone Meter
The Abbot Precision Xtra Ketone meter is a device for measuring ketone levels in your blood. Ketones are an alternative energy source the body can use when carbohydrates are low; therefore, this is useful for knowing whether you’re in ketosis (fat burning) or not. The readings provide insights into the ratio of fat to carbohydrates being burned by your body. As a bonus, the Abbott Precision Xtra is a multi-use device that can measure glucose and lactate levels.
Dr. Attia is an adamant user of ketone meters and believes it’s one of his most powerful tools to manage longevity. He also uses it for intermittent fasting (he follows a 16/8 regimen). He cites research that shows the ketone levels are higher compared to other intermittent fasting methods. According to Dr. Attia, Ketone measurements should ideally be done before eating (i.e. not after breakfast or lunch). In-between meals are ideal since they better reflect what’s going on in your body – especially if you have an active lifestyle.RELATED READING: The Complete Guide to Andy Galpin’s Supplement Stack
Omega Speedmaster Pro Watch
Peter Attia is a big fan of analog watches and always wears his Omega Speedmaster Pro when working out. It’s “old school,” but data from it can help you monitor your workout in real-time (including heart rate, distance ran, pace, etc.). He uses this watch to track his workouts and is a big proponent of this being an excellent tool for people who want to start monitoring their health in real time.
The Omega Speedmaster Pro-Watch is costly but is a legendary analog watch. However, you can also get cheaper alternatives like the Casio Protrek, which has similar functions.Chilisleep Ooler
The OOLER by Chilisleep is a temperature-controlled bed system that keeps you cool at night. The OOLER does this by circulating water through a thermal pad on your mattress. Sleeping at a more relaxed body temperature promotes more restful sleep and profound recovery. A control unit sends the water back and forth between it and the pad, sending it out at a temperature you specify (55-100 degrees Fahrenheit). The unit can be operated manually or through a Bluetooth phone app. The OOLER has sensors that monitor your sleeping patterns and adjust the bed’s firmness accordingly, so you are always at the perfect level of support for your specific movement profile.
Dr. Attia believes this is an incredibly useful tool for people with sleep problems (such as chronic insomnia or those who wake up during the night and can’t get back to sleep). He uses it regularly and finds that it improves his overall sleep quality. While he has several biohacking tools in his arsenal, he regards the OOLER as one of the most useful. The OOLER has a premium price tag, but he recommends it as an excellent investment. It’s one of the most expensive biohacking tools in his arsenal, but he says it’s absolutely worth it! The mattress has served him well over the years, and he’s a big fan of it.Keto Mojo Ketone & Glucose Meter
The Keto Mojo Ketone & Glucose Meter is a newer tool Dr. Peter Attia uses to monitor his blood lactate levels. He recently discovered it after being intrigued by the concept of measuring ketone levels. As with most new products, there’s always something that you don’t know about until you test it out for yourself. For instance, he found out that the readings from this device were slightly off. This can probably be easily fixed with an update or two.So, if you’re interested in using it to measure glucose levels (and not just lactate), he suggests you test your blood after eating something – and use the reading as a general guideline. For example, if the reading says you have 10 mmol/dL blood glucose, and then your finger prick test says you’re at 5 mmol/dl, he advises you to consider eating something so that it shows up on the meter.
However, he does like how easy this device is to use! He doesn’t have to hold down the test strip with a finger while he’s looking at the screen, and because it doesn’t require any coding, all you need to do is press start.He also enjoys that everything fits into one device!
This meter comes with enough strips for 20 tests – which means that you should buy extra of this because you’ll want to keep using it. It’s also good to remember that the Keto Mojo Meter and the test strips are separate purchases, so keep that in mind if you’re debating between them.OneTouch Ultra2 Blood Glucose Meter
Peter Attia has a deep affection for blood glucose meters and uses them constantly to check his levels. He has quite a few meters, but he believes that this one (the OneTouch Ultra2 Blood Glucose Meter) is one of the best because of its accuracy. His healthcare team gives him a set of new meter needles every month, and he puts them to use by testing his blood sugar levels. He’s an avid device user and still uses it regularly – after over five years!He dramatically respects people who actively monitor their health (such as monitoring blood glucose levels in real time).
As a general rule, he recommends wearing a blood glucose meter on your Wrist or upper arm (depending on your body build) and using a separate device to check blood glucose levels. He believes it’s essential for people serious about their health to monitor blood glucose levels regularly – even if they don’t have a chronic health condition. Also, minor deviations from standard blood glucose levels could indicate something else you should be aware of! The price tag for the OneTouch Ultra2 Blood Glucose Meter isn’t bad at all.Dexcom G6 Mobile CGM System

This incredible device allows users to track their glucose levels continuously on a smartphone. For example, the Dexcom G6 connects to your smartphone and sends data every five minutes (or less, depending on your active). The readings can be beneficial for managing blood sugar levels related to diabetes.
Dr. Attia uses this for managing his diabetes and is a huge advocate of it. He recommends the Dexcom G6 as an extraordinarily convenient and accurate way to track real-time blood sugar levels. He has experienced a significant reduction in hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) events. Dr. Attia recommends wearing the CGM device on the body part with maximum variation between readings – i.e., Wrist or upper arm. He also cautions against putting it over your biceps since this could cause false readings (people who exercise a lot tend to have increased glucose levels in that area).Ten Percent Happier App
Peter Attia is a great meditation enthusiast, and he believes it’s one of the most powerful tools you can use to improve your focus, productivity, and performance at work. He uses this app regularly because it’s straightforward to integrate into his routine. He values meditation highly as an effective way to get essential insights about things going on in his life. Attia recommends using a guided meditation session as a tool for learning to control your mind.He also believes that the body follows the mind, so using this app is one of the best ways to improve focus and mental clarity over time.
One of his favorite features is that it’s an excellent way to break the ice if you’re meeting someone new or attending an event where it’s awkward to start a conversation. He recommends this app because it’s effortless and has some fascinating guided meditation sessions to help you learn how to meditate effectively. The Ten Percent Happier App can be easily accessed on your smartphone or tablet, costing a few dollars. It’s not too expensive, but the real value comes from using the app regularly as part of your morning routine (preferably every day). He says that this app is one of his favorite biohacking tools!Nova Medical Lactate Plus

He considers this a cheap, easy-to-use tool, and if you’re serious about monitoring your blood lactate levels regularly while exercising, pick one of these up! Lactate levels go way up when you do hard workouts, and it’s precious to know your levels so you can tailor a training program specific to your needs.
One downside is that it doesn’t indicate when the unit is ready, often resulting in him squeezing his finger too hard and getting blood all over the place! If you’re using this tool during exercise, wearing thin gloves is probably best so this doesn’t happen. But if you’re like Attia and use it regularly in the morning, you should be fine.OURA Ring

Dr. Peter Attia’s Diet
Dr. Attia created this Dr. Peter Attia diet after numerous rounds of self-experimentation with various diets, including low-carb diets and both high-carb and low-carb/calorie cycling diets. The results showed that he could maintain his performance in an Ironman Triathlon while consuming only 19-30 grams of carbohydrates per day. Subsequently, this diet was developed for other athletes interested in being their best without consuming excessive carbohydrates.
Time Restricted Feeding
Dr. Attia has been made famous for his time-restricted feeding. Attia will typically last anywhere from 14-22 hours per day and, in the end, will follow the OMAD diet (One Meal a Day). Attia will typically during intermittent fasting, where he eats all his calories in an eight-hour window. Peter usually never eats breakfast.
Entering Ketosis Once Per Week
Dr. Attia once spent over three years in nutritional ketosis, according to Tools of Titans. During this time, Attia maintained an extremely high level of performance in ultra-long-distance cycling while maintaining insane strength levels. Nowadays, Attia will enter ketosis at least once per week instead of living in ketosis. He does this by fasting and having one primary meal daily from 6 to 8 p.m.
The Diet
For best results, Dr. Peter Attia’s Diet should be followed for at least three months. The main idea behind this diet plan is to reduce insulin levels and deplete muscle and liver glycogen (stored carbohydrates in the body). Doing this will make your body more efficient at burning fat, allowing you to lose weight quickly. This process is called Ketosis, where ketones are formed by breaking fats into fatty acids and glycerol.
The result is that your blood glucose (sugar) levels remain stable throughout the day while your insulin stays low. Your blood sugar should not rise above 100 milligrams/deciliter, while cortisol levels remain lower too since there’s no intake of carbohydrates. This plan is best used with regular exercise to maximize the benefits of this diet.
The good news about the Dr. Peter Attia diet is that you’ll eat many delicious foods while losing weight. Some examples include beef, chicken, nuts and seeds, cheese, eggs, and butter. When planning your meals using this diet plan, the main thing to remember is that you should get around 25-30% protein from your food sources. In addition, you have to restrict fat consumption to less than 10% of total calorie consumption. This means that if you’re on an intake of 2000 calories per day, no more than 200 calories should be from fat consumption (about 20 grams). Note: these percentages are based on daily calorie consumption, so depending on which diet phase you’re in during the three-month duration of this diet, you should plan accordingly to hit these macronutrient targets every day.
In the first phase of this diet, you’ll consume around 80% of your total calories from fat and protein, with 20% from carbohydrate sources. In other words, you will eat a lot of healthy fats and proteins while virtually eliminating carbs. On Dr. Attia’s diet, you should not consume more than 20 grams of carbohydrates per day when starting the diet’s first phase.
In addition, you have to drink at least ten servings of non-starchy vegetables throughout the day, allowing you to reach your daily carbohydrate limit without exceeding it. In phase two of his diet plan, carbs are gradually brought back into your dietary routine as long as they don’t harm insulin and blood sugar levels. You can start introducing some sweet potatoes or squash in phase 2, which makes this diet a bit easier to follow since fruit is restricted in the initial phases of this diet. Remember that if one apple has 25 grams of carbohydrates, you’d have to eat at least 5 apples for this fruit alone to hit your daily carbohydrate goal.
In the third phase of this diet plan, carbs are slowly reintroduced into your routine and will be around 50% of your daily calorie consumption, while proteins and fats stay the same as in the second stage. As with all diets restricting or eliminating certain food groups from our menu, moderation is critical when transitioning from one meal to another. If you’re going from a low-carb, high-fat meal to a higher carbohydrate meal, try adding some healthy fats such as avocados or olive oil so you don’t rush back into a carb-induced coma. Remember, though, that if this diet doesn’t work for you, you can always return to the previous meal plan until you find something that does.
RELATED READING: Andrew Huberman’s Diet Protocol Revealed
Peter Attia constantly challenges himself to do things that most people might not even consider. He’s co-founder of the Nutrition Science Initiative (NuSI, pronounced like “new” without the W). This non-profit initiative is dedicated to forming a scientific consensus on specific nutritional issues. So, if you’re interested in nutrition science and how it affects our health, this organization can be an excellent resource to stay updated with.
Attia has done a lot of self-experimentation throughout his life – and that’s pretty evident in the lifestyle changes he’s made for himself. He’s come to a place where he believes that ketosis is the optimal metabolic state for most people, especially if they have diseases like diabetes or obesity. And even if you disagree with him, it’s still interesting to read about his journey and see how he changed his life once he learned more about nutrition science!
you have brought up a very fantastic points, regards for the post.
woh I enjoy your blog posts, saved to favorites! .
yeah bookmaking this wasn’t a bad decision outstanding post! .
One of the best write-ups I’ve seen on this. Thanks for doing this. Do you know if he takes all of these everyday or cycles certain ones?
He cycles Tongkat Ali for testosterone based on what I have read. Andrew also doesn’t take the “focus” supplements on a daily basis… Just when needed. As far as everything else he takes it on a daily basis.